Monday, 8 February 2010

Introducing the Land

We acquired the use of this bit of land back in December through the Landshare scheme. It's just up the road from our normal stomping ground and we intend to go for a bit of a two pronged scheme.

Our dream is to turn it into a top flight, awesomely productive, educational, innovative permaculture project. We want to learn from it and hope that others will as well. We also want to eat from it as much as possible. This will involve a lot of perennials and perhaps some fruit trees. If Marcus has his way... there will be a swale :)

The sub plan at the moment is to quickly sort out a veggie garden so that we can start producing this year. This will involve mostly annuals but will also incorporate some of the principals such as stacking, nitrogen fixing legumes to get the soil going, polycultures, multi use gadgetry and as many other things as we can think of.

The function of this blog is to share our progress, ideas and images and hopefully get feedback, help and input from everyone.

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